Meeting of the European project CAPTOR continuity and sustainability @captor_air The Foundation participates in the meeting of the European project CAPTOR taking place in Milan from November 12th to 15th, 2018, sharing the best European experiences to promote changes tha... Nov 13, 2018 Foundation participates in FESC 2018 Foundation at FESC 2018 The VII edition of the FESC , organized by the Network of Solidarity Economy of Catalonia , took place at the Fabra i Coats de Barcelona Venue during this weekend wit... Oct 29, 2018 denounced to Europe the non-application of the Telecommunications and Competition regulations. Dia y hora: Friday, October 26th, 1pm. Location: Headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona (Passeig de Gràcia, 90). On Friday, October 26th, the Foundation filed a complaint at th... Oct 26, 2018
Sobiratina tecnològica als municipis i les comunitats #TecnoFESC Round table about the roles of communities and public entities, as well as their complementarities, as guarantors of an ethical (open, horizontal, distributed, equitable, sustainable) use a... Oct 23, 2018
Ofertas de trabajo The Foundation offers two job positions within the framework of the internship hiring program for young people beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee program in Catalonia. Requirements Candidates must b... Oct 10, 2018 Foundation employees have decided not to work on October 1 On Monday, September 24th, the Foundation work team unanimously decided not to work next Monday, October 1st, and instead, to mark October 12th as a working day. The decision arises from the... Sep 29, 2018 Our Blog
Swatantra'17 We interviewed Ramon Roca, president of our Foundation, because he recently went to India, specifically to the Kerala region, to present the project at the event called Swatantra'17. What wa... Feb 2, 2018
Propuesta de mínimos sobre Internet Given the obvious importance of the Internet in any field and considering the consequences that can arise when overlooked, from the Private Foundation for the Open, Free and Neutral Network, guifi·net... Nov 19, 2017 Our Blog
Dalmau Junyent Lluís Presentació al Community-Led Last-Mile Initiatives workshop a Brussel.les Actively participate in the European Commission initiative in Brussels Community-Led Last-Mile Initiatives workshop Community Led Last-Mile Initiatives This workshop is part of EU policy goal to ident... Nov 15, 2015 Our Blog
Dalmau Junyent Lluís Callús, activant la fibra òptica The activation of the fiber optic network with connections up to 1Gbps symmetrical has taken place in Callús. The fiber optic infrastructure of Callús is activated as a Common Network and allows anyon... Oct 15, 2015
12a Mostra d'Entitats a Vic, 2015 We are at the Entities and Music Exhibition in Vic. With volunteers to explain the project, also taking the opportunity to meet. Encouraging you to come to the Entities and Music Exhibition and provid... May 4, 2015 Our Blog
guifi·net a Disseny per viure. 99 projectes per al món real Temporary exhibition and presentation of at the Design Museum of Barcelona, specifically in the 'Design to Connect' section ' Design to connect '. This Tuesday, the netwo... Feb 23, 2015