Cognom Cognom Nom La fibra òptica comunitària de Guifi·net arriba a Zumaia (País Basc) On September 25th, at the Zumaia Town Hall (Guipúzcoa), the Guifi· net Foundation signed a collaboration agreement with the City Council to start the project of deploying an open, free, neutral, and s... Oct 1, 2020
Cusó Coll Clara Guifi·net project as an example of a good practice for the European Commission. El projecte de Guifi· net apareix com a exemple al manual de bones pràctiques, elaborat per la Comissió Europea, on s'exposen com i de quines maneres les comunitats rurals han resolt o pretenen resold... Aug 28, 2020 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara COVIDWarriors engega el projecte #ConectemosYA During the global pandemic situation generated by Covid-19, different initiatives and projects have emerged throughout the territory to address shortages or needs in different areas. This is the case ... Jun 17, 2020 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara Neix la Xarxa GRETA a Ascó From this week, the residents of Ascó can already enjoy fiber optic Internet with the same speed and price conditions as urban areas thanks to the Xarxa GRETA cooperative project promoted by the Town ... May 25, 2020 Our Blog
Cusó Coll Clara Iniciativa ciutadana per fer arribar fibra òptica a Marata In mid-2019, volunteer residents of Marata, a municipal district of Les Franqueses del Vallès, contacted the guifi·net Foundation to promote the extension of fiber optics to more than 40 houses in the... Apr 27, 2020
Cusó Coll Clara "Desconnectats del teletreball" In the state of alarm due to the coronavirus, many people and companies have had to adapt their daily tasks from their usual workplaces to do it from home and remotely. However, the reality is that th... Apr 16, 2020
Mobile Social Congress The fifth edition of the Mobile Social Congress , organized by SETEM Catalunya , a non-governmental organization working to raise awareness about inequalities between North and South, denounce their c... Feb 24, 2020
Agraïment a Pablo Boronat At the meeting of the Board of the guifi·net Foundation held on Thursday, February 6, the following agreements were adopted: To take note of the resignation presented by the trustee Pablo Boronat, tha... Feb 21, 2020
La Rosa Argelaguet Driving force behind the current fiber optic network in Sallent She was the director of UPC Manresa and a councilor at the Sallent City Council , it was as a councilor in Sallent when Rosa Argelaguet ... Jan 31, 2020 Our Blog
Entrevista a Ramon Roca, cofundador del projecte guifi·net On January 6, 2020, the platform Efecto Colibrí interviewed Ramon Roca, co-founder member of the guifi·net project. Efecto Colibrí is a platform for social and sustainable impact that aims to inspire,... Jan 13, 2020 Our Blog
Roger Baig obté Cum Laude en la seva tesi doctoral sobre infraestructures col·lectives On November 18th, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the oral defense of the doctoral thesis of Roger Baig Viñas , a voluntary member of the guifi·net project and former employee of th... Dec 12, 2019 Our Blog