Stockholm Internet Forum Internet freedom for global development La setmana que ve té lloc a Estocolm (Suècia) l'Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF), on guifi·net hi participarà. El SIF és una plataforma d'àmbit mundial que enguan... May 10, 2019 Our Blog
El cas del Poble Nou de Benitatxell (Alacant) Ens estan arribant preocupants afirmacions sobre el conveni que té signat la Fundació amb Poble Nou de Benitatxell. En primer lloc hem de dir que contràriament al que s’afirma en les informacions que ... May 6, 2019 Our Blog
16a Mostra d'Entitats i Músiques de Vic A sample of the city's associative fabric This year, the guifi·net Foundation will once again participate in the Entities and Music Show of Vic, this year the 16th edition, which will take place this ... May 2, 2019 Our Blog
Biennale Internationale Design The population of Saint Étienne (Loire, France) celebrates every two years the Biennale Internationale Design , an exhibition that lasts approximately one month and aims to give visibility to the exis... Apr 11, 2019 Our Blog
Sistema de donacions With your help we influence the transformation of telecommunications networks and access to the internet as a human right. That's why we have prepared a brief explanatory document on how to participat... Feb 15, 2019 Our Blog
Comunicado sobre la soberanía tecnológica y el consumo responsable Given the increasing awareness among the population regarding the impact of different consumption alternatives, to which we welcome!, from the Fundació per a la Xarxa Oberta, Lliure i Neutral, guifi.n... Feb 12, 2019 Our Blog
Reunió conjunta dels participants de guifi·net Location: Former Schools of Gurb. On Friday, January 25, 2019, about forty participants of the guifi·net ecosystem gathered for almost four hours. During the meeting, different concepts and points abo... Feb 4, 2019 Our Blog
Fulletons informatius . From the Foundation , we work to improve transparency so that people can access information freely. In this way, we have created digital brochures (in Catalan and Spanish) for the End User... Jan 28, 2019
Entrevista a a Ràdio Caldes de Montbui Last Thursday, December 13, the Capgirats program of Ràdio Caldes interviewed two members of the Foundation (Clara Cusó and Roger Garcia). During the interview, they explained what the Inter... Jan 21, 2019 Foundation participates in the Internet Governance Forum sponsored by the United Nations The Foundation has participated for the third consecutive year in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), a forum sponsored by the United Nations with global reach where all actors that are par... Nov 19, 2018
Presentation of GISWatch 2018 based on local access models Presentation of GISWatch 2018 in Paris The Foundation participates in the presentation of the edition of GISWatch 2018 that is presented in Paris at the Internet Governance Forum 2018 held i... Nov 14, 2018 Foundation presents at SMEWC 2018 an space dedicated to the alternatives for the most inclusive and shared cities The project can be known these days 13, 14 and 15 of November at the Smart City Expo World Congress held at Fira de Barcelona on the occasion of the space dedicated to shared and inclusive c... Nov 14, 2018