In the state of alarm due to the coronavirus, many people and companies have had to adapt their daily tasks from their usual workplaces to do it from home and remotely. However, the reality is that there are people who, even though they have the space and electronic devices to do it this way, do not have the optimal conditions or infrastructures. What are they? Well, having access to broadband Internet with fiber optics or having good coverage.
Eva Navarrete and Ferran Reyes explain this in the interview in the newspaper Ara from April 15, volunteers from the territory involved in promoting the open, free, and neutral guifinet network in their municipalities.
"It's nice to see how they ask us to opt for telecommuting, but someone explain to us how we do it if we don't have this possibility," argues Navarrete from Marata (Franqueses del Vallès) or "What would take five minutes to do from Tarragona, in Flix it takes up to an hour," laments Reyes from Flix.
We must continue working and betting on alternatives to the major operators, promoting those local operators who, through the guifinet common network, are willing to connect people, regardless of where they live. Let's eliminate the digital divide among all, will you help us?

"Desconnectats del teletreball"