guifi.net Foundation

The guifi.net Foundation turns10 yearsandwe are excited to celebrate itwith all of you!!!

We encourage you to participate in the celebration events of the nextFRIDAY 13 and SATURDAY 14 of Julyat the SCulture wing of Mas l'Esperança (Ajuntament de Gurb).

On Friday, July 13, at 12:30 PM, we have planned a presentation to disseminate the guifi.net project and the participation models with the administrations, aimed at municipalities and regional administrations. With the title"10 years of guifi.net foundation, 10 years of collaboration and shared experiences. The role of local and regional administrations in promoting the open, free, and neutral network"Ramon Roca, president of the Foundation, will present the guifi.net model, along with Francesc Canalias, director of the SIGMA Consortium and promoter of the XAFOGAR project, and Carles Banús, mayor of Tavèrnoles and TIC Councilor at the Osona County Council, who will share their experience as administrations with guifi.net. The presentation of the event will be handled by Joan Roca, mayor of Gurb and president of the Osona County Council.

On the other hand, Saturday, July 14, starting at 5:00 PM, the anniversary will be celebrated with the community and activities have been plannedopen to all citizensto bring the world of social and solidarity economy and technologies closer to everyone. The first presentation will focus on"The social and solidarity economy and the commons models in Catalonia"in which members of the guifi.net Foundation and David Gómez as a representative of the Commons Commission of the XES and promoter of FemProcomuns will participate. Starting at 7:00 PM, a second presentation titled"Digital rights: The new General Data Protection Regulation and privacy on networks"will be given by lawyer Josep Jover and cybersecurity expert journalist Mercè Molist. Finally, the event will conclude with a small concert oflive music, asnackand theraffleamong the attendees of a gift box.

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