Marata and the Turó de les Mentides in full connection!
The residents of Marata and the Turó de les Mentides have organized ourselves to bring fiber optic connection to our homes and businesses, with quality and a variety of offers through the sustainable common network model of

Participate and save
Save the cost of the monthly line for your entire life by being part of the common network.

We want to provide coverage to all homes and businesses
Unlike other operators, our project covers all homes, businesses, and farms because we are all equal and we have the right!

Multi-operator network
We believe in a local and proximity economy that allows the community to grow sustainably.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are we?
The Fiber Optic Network of Marata and the Turó de les Mentidesis an initiative promoted by the Cultural Center of Marata and a neighborhood group from the Turó de les Mentideswith the collaboration of the Foundationand the operators Ticae,WaiFaiandSom Connexió. The goal is to deploy a common fiber network that reaches any home, business, or farm in these two neighborhoods of the municipality of les Franqueses del Vallès.
What is a common network?
Unlike conventional models, where the ownership of the network is in the hands of a single operator that deploys and exploits it at the same time, a common network is an infrastructure that is used as a common good: it is of all those actors who have invested and who use it. Moreover, it is managed through a series of mechanisms that ensure and prevent anyone from appropriating it, as occurs in the management of common pastures or forests.
This model has advantages, such as:
- Having an open, free, and neutral network.
- Sharing the same network with multiple operators, avoiding monopoly.
- It is more environmentally sustainable because infrastructures are not duplicated.
- It reduces costs.
- Users can choose from different commercial options.
- It prevents making profit from the infrastructure.
What speed does fiber optic offer?
We offer a maximum of 1,000 Mbps symmetrical, expandable in the future, which is the same as 1 Gbps. This figure easily covers the needs of any user, and in case of doubts, you can consult with your operator.
Can I choose an operator?
Yes, users are the ones who decide which operator they trust and which offers they prefer. Moreover, you can always change operators whenever you want becausethere are no commitments.
Hereyou can consult the different operators.
Where can I request information about prices and services?
By contacting theoperatorsby phone or through their website. They will explain the alternatives that best suit you.
When will the network arrive at my home?
On August 23, 2021, we started deploying the cable while we finalize the last administrative processes with the City Council of les Franqueses, the City Council of Cardedeu, and the Diputació, and we will soon be able to start making the first service connections. On the other hand, we are working to access shared infrastructures with Telefónica de España, S.A.U, specifically, the telephone poles from which the fiber optic network will be distributed (SUCs). The intention is to make the deployment effective as soon as possible, and we hope to provide you with a date forecast very soon!
How do I switch to the Fiber Optic Network of Marata and the Turó?
You can contact any service operator participating in the project and they will inform you about the rates, services, and how to register.