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Here is the #SAX2021!

HEALTH, LOVE AND NETWORK: the annual meeting of the Guifi·net community.

Hello community Guifi· net

The SAX2021 is here. Long live the annual meeting of the Guifi·net community with the intention, once again, to share viewpoints and experiences in the field of telecommunications and/or technological improvements that facilitate access to the Internet in people's daily lives, regardless of where they are.

Seeing that it was impossible to know how the pandemic would evolve and, consequently, what health measures would be in place at the time of a possible in-person celebration and, therefore, to be able to reserve a space/venue, it was decided to finally celebrate the#SAX2021again inonlineformat over two days onNovember 24 and 25 (7 PM)moderated by Jordi Clopés (Mataró Sense Fils and coordinator of the Guifilabs).

In addition to the aforementioned reasons for this format, there is the advantage of being able to offer attendance to people who, due to location and work, would find it almost impossible to be there in person. Regrettably, we commit to celebrating it better, with more days and in hybrid format, at the next edition of SAX.

Next, you can consult theprogramfor the two sessions:

Wednesday, November 24 (7 PM)

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OnWednesday, November 24 (7 PM), the session (in Catalan) "The new infrastructure is underway: situation, plans, and how to participate" will take place. It will be a session in which the implementation and management of identities, participatory tools, and the monitoring of the Guifi·net network will be presented. The talk will be led by Nil Tosar, Ramon Roca, and Xavier Moragues (members of the Technical Area of the Guifi·net Foundation).

Thursday, November 25 (7 PM)

OnThursday, November 25 (7 PM), the second session (in Spanish) "Community networks in Africa, Latin America, and Asia" will take place. The session will provide an overview of existing community network projects in these areas (including their evolution, challenges, and opportunities) that have received support from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), including their evolution, challenges, and opportunities. The talk will be led by Carlos Rey (coordinator of Local Networks: Public Policies and Strategy, APC).
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For our part, we can only invite you to attend!

Thank you very much for continuing to contribute to the network.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Health, Love, and Network,