Entrevista la podcast iAmetza

Sakananet, the joint network of Sakana (Navarra)

On April 11, we participated in the podcast (in Basque) of iAmetza where we had the opportunity to explain the deployment project promoted in Sakana (Navarra) through the Guifi·net model, how the initiative arose, the role of the Foundation in the network deployment, what a shared network is, and what the future of the network will be in this area, among other issues.

The podcast, moderated by Asier Iturralde, featured the presence of Iker Manterola (Coordinator of the Sakana Development Agency), Oihana Olaberria (Mayor of the Arakil Valley), and Maialen Martiarena (Guifi·net Foundation).

You can read the interview and/or listen to the program at the following link:
Odoo • Text and ImageFrom left to right: Maialen Martiarena (Guifi·net Foundation), Iker Manterola (Coordinator of the Sakana Development Agency), Oihana Olaberria (Mayor of the Arakil Valley), and Asier Iturralde (iAmetza). 

Zumaia amplia cobertura als barris de Narrondo i Artadi
The fiber optic network already offers services in these two neighborhoods of the town of Zumaia (Basque Country)